From multi-faceted resistance to multi-dimensional identities: Ultra-Orthodox women working toward Bachelor’s degrees at a secular teacher training college. Israel Studies review, 37 (1), 58-80
This article is the product of a study, conducted over one academic year, that followed ultra-Orthodox women students working toward Bachelor’s degrees at a secular teacher training college with the goal of getting accredited to work at Education Ministry-supervised schools and thereby improving their employment prospects. It finds that a process that began as technical […]
Kindergarten teachers and ‘sharing dialogue’ with parents: The importance of practice in the process of building trust in the training process, Teaching Education, DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1996557
Effective school-parent partnerships are in the child’s best interests. Nevertheless, the complexity of the parent-teacher relationship requires the teachers to be trained in parent communication skills. Here, we explore factors that affect the parent-teacher relationship from the perspective of education trainees, who were required to communicate with parents to help children with difficulties with their […]
"Shaping a ‘Pedagogical voice’ Using Feminist Pedagogical Principles". Gender & Education. 33, (6), 773–789
This paper examines the development of a ‘pedagogical voice’, based on feminist pedagogy, among female teacher trainees after one year of supervision and study. The underlying assumption was that the development of a pedagogical voice needs certain learning conditions that help in strengthening awareness of the patriarchal learning culture, as part of the process via […]
Pedagogical Credo Based on Feminist Pedagogy as a Way to Voice Personal Identities. In Educating for change -The European Conference on Education, Organized by The International Academic Forum- Iafore, issn: 2188-1162. 129-137
The underlying assumption in teacher training programs is that formulating a pedagogical identity is an integral part of the process via which an education student becomes an education professional, who can support and defend her approach and actions, and therefore become a better educator. The literature shows that developing a pedagogical credo can support a […]
“…How am I going to pass this ‘audition’?” Under what conditions can second-generation Israeli Ethiopian immigrant adolescent girls, respond to a dialogue inviting them to promote their occupational aspirations? Gender & Education. 31 (8), 1077-1092
The responsiveness of at-risk adolescent Ethiopian girls to the contents of a workshop promoting their occupational aspirations was found to be related to their belief in their ability to negotiate the unwelcome ethno-racial gaze of Israeli society. This belief is closely tied to the way they perceive and experience their ethno-racial blackness – as a […]
Adolescent Girls' connectivity in an Occupational-Efficacy Workshop: Understanding Avoidance. Journal: Woman's Studies International Forum. 57 38–47
Skeggs' notion of ‘emotional politics’ cites a dynamic in girls' worlds that is applicable to Joseph's theory of connectivity vis-à-vis girls' participation in after-school activities. Here, we deploy this theoretical connection to examine under what conditions avoidance characterizes Israeli at-risk urban girls' responses to a workshop targeting and promoting their occupational efficacy. Analyzing 11 ‘avoiding’ […]
Sense of Entitlement and Extra Feminist Assistance, Hagar Studies in Culture, Policy and Identities Vol. 11 (2). 60-82
There are a multitude of intervention programs and procedures in the field of occupational guidance for youth. However, closer examination reveals that some of these programs miss their mark and, unintentionally, actually reinforce devaluation among this population, particularly among girls. This missed opportunity stems primarily from the lack of an appropriate conceptualisation of the needs […]